Wednesday, March 27, 2013

winter commission 5:time

photo by Cameron Jennings
Yes, it is spring, but before the tulips make you ridiculously filled with joy, let's take a moment to acknowledge winter. Winter is hard. bleak. isolating. Yet every year we make art. And then we come together and say "Oh yeah, I like you, we are not alone."

Winter Commision 5:TIME is this saturday night, March 30, at make.shift gallery. I made a small quilt in february. For 28 days I sat down and made stitches in a piece of cloth. It is nothing fancy but it is practical and it got me through. It is a study in starting projects that seem like they will take forever. It is about moving forward despite imperfections. It is about taking the time to learn something old, to do something slowly and to record the days though they blend together like so many tiny white stitches on a yellow background.

Come out and say hello. find all the details here.

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