taking dorky photos and babies are both excellent ice breakers when you are feeling nervous about meeting your favorite artists. so borrow a camera or a baby next time you might be meeting yours.
Nikki McClure is not only an amazing artist,but also an inspiration for me as a crafty mama. She cuts images from black paper with an exacto knife that reflect the seasons and values of northwest punk/hippy life:potlucks and dandilions, clothes lines and kale.Reading her board book Awake to Nap with Franklin has been a great encouragement to me lately.The almost alphabet book was created entirely during her sons naps.If she can do it,I can do it. One nap at a time I will sew.
So naturally I was super excited when Nikki came to The Paperdoll for a meet and greet with doughnuts on friday morning. She was signing her gorgeous new book Mama, Is It Summer Yet? I waited in line while she drew a moustache on the august picture of her 2010 calendar. It really did make the image look like erin and eric kissing in the pantry with mason jars. They talked about the intention to preserve fruit and how Nikki made that picture to remind herself to really do it this year.
When it was my turn I got all spazzy "uh,hi,uh,you're so great, can I take a photo?" for a moment and then we just fell in to chatting about Franklin and her being away from her boy for the first time and needing to get a cellphone and not really knowing how to turn it off when it rang and raking your neighbor's leaves and it was just so natural and good. The way you would want it to be when you meet your heroes and they are regular folks who have been doing their thing longer or with more focus and talent but aren't all egotistical or untouchable or reclusive tortured souls. Leaving the store I felt energized and motivated by the brief encounter. Thank you for your gifts, Nikki.
What an exciting adventure. I love the picture. Thanks for sharing, Libby.
Nikki's work is fantastic, I ordered journals for the new mamas in my life. Thank you for writing about her!
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